- Event Strategy Group. Simply and affectionally known as ESG. We LOVE working with this unique and colorful ensemble. Describing them as an event management company would be a wildly gross understatement. They are experience-makers. Blending high-level live production stamped with their distinct creative signature. They truly are the industries’ MULLET of corporate events. Business in the front…party in the back!! And it’s a thrill being on their guest list. They traditionally lean on us to help shape their client’s visual narratives and take those ideas from napkin scribbles to tangible results. But recently, they propositioned us to translate THEIR own story, and we did it the best way we know how…with a company ID sizzle reel. We custom grew a stylized concept to anchor the overall structure and rocked a devastatingly tricked out logo treatment. We spent months carefully curating their massively impressive collection of show assets which spanned nearly 15 years! No easy task when you also have to work with DVDs and mini-DV tapes…remember those things? We burrowed into the archives indeed. The end result was a 2.5-minute dose of visual awesome-ness that captured not only their innovative prowess when it comes to show design and execution, but equally showcased their true competitive edge…their team. Thank you ESG for the opportunity to collaborate, innovate and celebrate who YOU are!!